Photography of Birds in a Professional Way

Wilson Dew
2 min readJul 20, 2021

According to the nature and wildlife photography expert — Joeri Leeuwerik, nature has blessed us with a lot of things and wildlife is one of them. Birds especially have won the heart of many over the years. They are intelligent, fascinating, fun with a different array of remarkable beautiful colours. Their unique character and most pleasant melodic voices are also a driving factor that makes them even more interesting.

If you are passionate about nature and you are looking into bird photography, you are in the right place. Bird photography can be intriguing yet challenging at the same time. It takes special skills, working with the right equipment, and employing the right lighting condition to achieve success. Here, Joeri Leeuwerik, a renowned photographer best known for his nature and wildlife photography provides tips to capturing interesting moments of bird’s life.

1. Lighting

Every photography starts with good lighting and this include birds. While many thought that bright sunshine is the best, a soft, glowy, less harsh shadows does the trick when it comes to bird photography. For this, you might have to go for it at the golden hour. Joeri Leeuwerik says that at this time, the daylight is redder and softer than when the sun is higher in the sky. These magical hours work wonders. You capture every detail of the bird without shadows coming in the way while the soft light plays on your subject.

2. Equipment

Having the right equipment at your disposal will make a whole difference between a “hit” or “miss” bird photography. This is because some birds are quite shy and might not want you getting closer or intruding their privacy. Hence, you need a heavy camera lens, a good frame rate and autofocus. They can have a great impact on the speed and accuracy. However, if you are working on less lens or not ready to spend big bucks, you can go for more courageous birds.

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Wilson Dew

I am a travel blogger and love to travel around the world and like to collect material for writing from my travel experiences.