Skincare Tips for the Winter Season

Wilson Dew
3 min readNov 18, 2021

Winter is around the corner — finally, the hot summer days have gone, and now is the time to take out those warm pullovers and jackets you had popped in your large suitcases. The best thing about the cold season is that you will not sweat and keep acne and scars at bay, but as you know, each coin has two sides. The cold season also brings some discomfort along with it.

Air is extremely dry in winters, and hence you get your skin dry. If you have normal skin, you will not go through a significant impact on your skin, but if you have dry, sensitive, and combination skin, you will likely experience flakes. It can be worse if you have seborrhoeic dermatitis.

As you have to take care of your other body parts, you also have to care for your skin. You often express liver, kidney, and heart health concerns, but you do not think about skin. It is also an organ. In fact, it is the largest body organ that needs your attention. Skincare ways change as the weather changes.

What you have been doing to keep your skin healthy in the summer season will not help you in the cold weather. This is why it is essential to change your skincare methods. Although winters have yet to come, you must have started experiencing dry and scaly skin.

Skincare tips that you should follow in the winter season

Here are the best tips that you should follow to keep your skin healthy in the winter season:

1. Drink a Lot of Water

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is they do not drink a lot of water. Water is essential to nourish your skin naturally. The significant reason for your dry skin is that you do not drink enough water. It keeps you hydrated.

So if you drink a lot of water, you will be able to keep your skin hydrated. It will not look dry and scaly. Since you do not feel thirsty in the cold season, you do not bother about water intake, which is when problems start. Your body needs water in the cold season too.

Make sure that you increase the intake of water. Note that you should cut down on your caffeine intake. The intake of coffee increases, and as a result, people fail to maintain the right balance between fluids.

High caffeine consumption can lead to dehydration, and this is worse when your water intake is not enough. So, be careful about other fluids as well. Apart from water, you can take green tea, fruit juice, and the like.

2. Use Gentle Face Wash and Body Wash

You all know that you need to use face wash every day to clean your face, and many of you have been using it, but most of you do not know that you should change your face wash as the weather changes. Face wash for the summer season cannot be effective for the winter season.

So, make sure that you change the face wash. Face wash for the winter season should be less gentle because it will not strip oil off your skin. However, note that you cannot use all types of face wash even if they are advertised as gentle because you do not know your skin type and how it reacts.

Read More About Skincare Tips



Wilson Dew

I am a travel blogger and love to travel around the world and like to collect material for writing from my travel experiences.